Let me explain. You've been walking all day, and not just your everyday walking, we're talking pretty serious through-hiking, in 26 degrees of direct sunshine, carrying a 50lb wardrobe on your back and traversing hills which many would wince at and maintaining that for an average of 16 miles a day. Now I know that there are some really serious sporty types out there who will read this and think '16 miles? What a wimp!' And ok, I get that, but we've not labelled ourselves the SAGA 6 for nothing. With the exception of Andrew we're all pushing, past or look around the 50 mark! So by the time we've completed a day as I've just described, put frankly, we stink!
So with that in mind, spare a thought for us as we arrive at our overnight destination, usually a field with an adjacent toilet and single shower-tonight we're spoilt-we've got 2!
But even set amongst such luxury as 2 showers, keeping clean on the trail requires military, or disciplined at least, precision. Most showers are dodgy in some capacity, some barely dribble hot water, some barely dribble full stop, some are cold, some are freezing cold and even those that work are surrounded in an inch of stagnant water swimming in mud or grass or an interesting combination of the two and, if you're really unlucky, other horrors which can lurk in a campsite shower. Poor old Richard experienced one such horror only yesterday. Let me explain....
I've mentioned Compeed blister plasters in a previous blog and I can't praise them strongly enough-they are wonderful life savers on the trail and I won't hear a word said against them. However, the interesting thing about Compeed plasters is that after being attached to your foot for a number of days, they tend to take on the consistency of well chewed chewing gum. I had such an experience recently, yesterday in fact, when as I got into the shower, which incidentally meant I had to stand in an inch of stagnant water swimming with mud and grass amongst other things which I daren't identify through fear of chucking, my Compeed plaster detached itself from my foot and swam off into the muddy soup. Now, as a considerate hiker I immediately grabbed the sticky lump and placed it on the rickety stool which had been thoughtfully placed in the shower meaning to remove it and bin it as I left. Well, I forgot. I finished my ablutions and cheerfully greeted Richard as I left the shower cubicle and he entered. Some moments later as I was brushing my teeth, I was startled as Richard hollered, 'Oh for f***'s sake! What's this?!' My initial reaction was that he had found a turd or other such horror lurking in the stagnant pool beneath his feet, but then it dawned on me that I'd left my well trodden Compeed on the stool and I immediately had the vision of Richard trying to pull this sticky mess off his bare backside. I slipped out quietly. Apparently, Jacko walked into the toilets just after I left and was hit with a sticky piece of chewing gum thrown out of the shower cubicle by some inconsiderate hiker.
Hmm. Like I said. Keeping clean on the trail ain't easy.
Attaching a few more photos.

Oh how I wish I had seen/heard all of this, it's hilarious just reading you account of it.
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to the next instalment.
P.S. How's Tim - we've heard mention of everyone but him. Take it that he's the quiet one of the Six
I'm addicted to the blog and delighted that you're all having such a good time, you have a way of describing something so that it is easily visible in my mind Russ - thanks!!
ReplyDeleteI'm just off to bed, I usually say this but then it's one or two before I actually turn off the light - tonight I mean it though ;-)) and I'm worried tonight about having nightmares - all that I can visualise when I close my eyes is Richards bare bum with a soggy plaster stuck to it - THANK YOU BIG TIME NOT !!!
Night night SAGA 6
Dawn xxxxxx
I don't know how you two Crooks are not barred from campsites - you leave knickers lying around and Russ leaving soggy plasters - lovely ;-)
ReplyDeleteand I thought you was my friend - secrets safe with me guides honour!! ;-)
DeleteCrooks you are a total disgrace and you know exactly what I mean when I write A-Uh! :-( I almost chucked when I read that :-( See, this is why us girlies couldn't cope with a dirty boys camping trip.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy tomorrow SAGA 6 looking forward to the next blog - you're strangely addictive.... think I may have a bit of sunstroke ;-)
Becky xxxxxx
Lol - the images are interesting to say the least!
ReplyDeleteHappy washing
Hazel xxxxxx
ps. anymore piccies of the Saga 6?