Another scorcher of a day saw the 'SAGA Six' start the day at around 7am before piling into the farm shop for bacon butties and hot tea. What a relief to have a break from bacon flavour super noodles! Refreshed and fortified we set off on the relatively short hike to what I suspected would be a mildly interesting set of Roman ruins staffed by volunteer weird beards that I would be bored with after half an hour. As it turned out, it was a set of Roman ruins and the occasional weird beard could be made out amongst the small army of volunteer diggers but it was all done so very well-you could, and should, spend all day there-it's brilliant!
Vindolanda is a fort built upon a fort built upon a fact there is evidence of 11 forts built on the same site over many hundreds of years. It's on a huge scale and the Roman fort, from the buildings remains, was clearly on a grand scale. It must have been hugely impressive, but then just about everything the Romans did was.
As we arrived we were greeted by a friendly receptionist who was helpful and informative and then ushered through to a wonderfully cool air conditioned room which housed a full sized model of the fort as it would have looked in Roman times. From there you walked out onto the main site and I was immediately aware from the bustle of activity, archaeologists and others digging, scraping, humping wheelbarrows and generally looking incredibly enthusiastic, that Vindolanda really is a living museum, a real archaeological dig-not a Disney mock-up with dodgy actors and people with fake smiles. As we approached they were more than happy to pause and chat about what was going on, what had been found recently, what they hoped to unearth in the future-they were people who were a pleasure to talk to and we all genuinely enjoyed the experience. From there we moved on to a reconstruction of Hadrian's Wall as it would have looked like, which put our previous days walk into perspective and then we went to look round the museum. Some museums, from my experience at least, can be as dull as dishwater - Vindolanda's museum is fab! It's crammed with artefacts, thoughtfully exhibited, accompanied by clear and unfussy descriptions. Special mention has to go to the 'Vindolanda Tablets' voted by the British Museum as the most significant historical find, ever, in Britain - these are thin wooden tablets, Roman bits of paper in effect, which were discovered at the site and which retain the original hand written script, invaluable evidence of everyday life- things like birthday invitations, letters of complaint, accounts of military resources-incredible stuff that has never survived and been found until now at Vindolanda. These tablets provide accounts of everyday Roman life that are absolutely unique to this site-artefacts that we should be incredibly proud of as a nation. After our time in the museum we had lunch in a lovely airy tea room before venturing out to explore the fort's remains proper. It was a wonderful day and I thoroughly recommend you go and see it all for yourself if you get the chance.
So now we're all sat in the Twice Brewed - only for the free wifi you understand so I can write this blog - and, although it's still stinking hot, the cloud is beginning to bubble up quite dramatically on the horizon. Maybe we're due some rain on the hike tomorrow. Whatever, we've been exceptionally lucky up to now!
Hope you enjoy the attached photos.

It sounds as if you have all had a fabulous time at the fort and the hard work getting there was worth it.
ReplyDeleteThe photos and views are wonderful.
Just a thought - are you now 'locals' at the Twice Brewed?
Pleased to see Simon standing and able to carry on with the walk.
Have a relaxing evening and a great day tomorrow.
Love Hazel xxxxxx
Greetings 'Saga Six' - I'm sure there are better alternatives but we'll discuss that upon your return ;-)
ReplyDeleteYet another beautifully descriptive blog there Crooks :-) You're going to think I'm being sarcastic but it was such a lovely read and it sounds like you've had a cracking day :-) (Hope the werthers are going down well) :-)
The pics you have taken are just breathtaking, well jel :-D Bet you're glad you discovered there was more to be had on the trail.
Bacon butties and more pub grub (and no doubt beer) You lot are on your blooming jollies! You're in the Twice Brewed for the wifi?! You liar liar pants on fire :-D Keeping my fingers crossed that the weather stays on your side.... But maybe some rain will be nice!
Have a great night and good luck for tomorrow :-) And remember... you can't see the view if you don't climb the mountain! :-D ;-)
Love Becky xxxxxx
Sound's wonderful, will have to go there sometime when I'm 'Up North'!
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of 'weird beards' are any of you supporting facial hair now or are you still squeaky clean? Simon excepted of course unless he now looks like a grizzly bear!
Pictures are amazing and Its lovely to see the scenery but it would be nice to have some pics of the SAGA Six as well!!!
Love to you all.
Not sure where the rogue 'i' came from - don't remember typing that xxxxxx
DeleteHope it has cooled off somewhat chaps! ! Best of luck, should have a baby for you to meet when you return!
ReplyDeletedon't forget to let me know Rob and I can see her before Simon - that'll teach him ;-)
DeleteDawn x
My furry face came off this morning.
ReplyDeleteAny before pictures?
Thank god for a place to get wi-fi and just by chance it happens to be an establishment that sells beer - boy did you all land on your feet - hope all of you are able to get up and on them again tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your bacon buttes in the morning.
Dawn xxxxxx