Monday, 13 May 2013

More pics

Have to add some more.......


  1. Andrew those pics are brill - but the panoramic one - get you very, very clever - I'm liking that, you'll have to show me how to do that when you're home.

    Dawn x

  2. Not a clue what d means by panoramic but sure she's right and they really are beautiful pics :-) x

  3. Ooh oh, Becky harward - engage brain before commenting :-D Look at pics again and notice the different one (clue third one down) It's long and thin because it is panoramic!!‎

    You never fail to amuse :-D xx

  4. Not sure who Becky Harward is but if I ever meet her I'll be sure to tell her to get that brain of hers engaged - bless her ;-) :-D

    Ohhhhhh I see which one you mean now! That IS pretty cool :-) Think when I first saw it on my phone I assumed because it was like an eight of the size of the rest that it wasn't loading properly.... Ooops!

    What a lovely elongated field of view you captured there. Of course it's so hard to distinguish the difference between 'wide angle' and 'panoramic' photography but I must say in my humble opinion, your aspect ratio is in the region of 2:1 and definitely a worthy panoramic shot.

    :-D 8-) xx

  5. I didn't even spot the panoramic one! I like the trees.

    Hazel :)

  6. (Rolling around with laughter) Hazel I think you have to win the crown for best blog so far with that cracker :-D x

  7. Not an animal in sight? Where are all the sheep? ;) x

  8. Run off to Wales!


  9. Good point Alison! I'd like to see more sheep in the photos from now on. :-) x
